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Niagara Falls to light it up Blue and Purple in 2020

Niagara Falls Canada has notified WeHaveAFace Canada that they have approved our request to have the Falls lit up Blue and Purple this May.

WeHaveAFace Canada, President, Cindy Moore said, "We are so proud to announce that Niagara Falls will be lit on May 20, 2020 at 10pm EST for Huntington's and Juvenile Huntington's Disease Awareness Month! This will be four years in a row that WeHaveAFace Canada has arranged for the lights to color the Falls Blue and Purple".

If you happen to be in he area, it would be wise to arrive a little early as the Niagara Falls Illumination Board only allow 15 minutes for each request.

WeHaveAFace Canada would like to thank The Niagara Falls Illumination Board for their support and for granting our request for Light It Up For HD 2020.

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