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When someone has Huntington's disease, part of the DNA sequence:  (CAG: Cytosine — Adenine — Guanine) repeats more times than normal.


It is important to understand that everyone on the planet is born with the Huntingtin gene. The healthy gene repeat averages around 17, however, a person's CAG repeat can range from less than 10 to more than 120. There are two forms of this disease: Adult on-set Huntington's disease, and Juvenile Huntington's disease.  It is important to note that every person on the planet has the Huntington gene.

Dr. Peg Nopoulos of the University of Iowa (Kids-HD/Kids-JHD discusses CAG

Juvenile Huntington's?

What is Huntington's


Juvenile Huntington's disease?

A clip from "The Purple Road" Juvenile Huntington's disease documentary.  Dr. Peg Nopoulos of the University of Iowa (Kids-HD/Kids-JHD discusses the differences between HD and JHD. 

Personal Choice
Feeding Tubes

Cindy Moore (President of Canada, shares a video experience of how to properly use a feeding tube.

You are not alone!

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