Kevin Jess

Jun 25, 20233 min

The Plight of Women with Huntington's Disease: Battling Abandonment, Abuse, and Family Neglect

Introduction: Huntington's Disease (HD) is a devastating genetic disorder that affects thousands of people worldwide. While the physical and emotional toll it takes on individuals is significant, an alarming issue arises when it comes to the treatment of women diagnosed with HD. In many cases, these women find themselves abandoned by their partners and subjected to various forms of abuse, including the involvement of their husband's family, leaving them in dire circumstances. This article sheds light on the plight of women with Huntington's Disease, highlighting the challenges they face, including family neglect, and the urgent need for support and advocacy.

The Cruel Reality: The journey of a person diagnosed with Huntington's Disease is incredibly challenging, but the experiences of women with HD are often compounded by abandonment, abuse, and even family neglect. Upon receiving their diagnosis, many women see their partners flee, unable to cope with the burdens and uncertainties that lie ahead. What makes the situation even more heartbreaking is when the families of the husbands, who should provide a support network, join in the mistreatment of these vulnerable women.

Falsehoods and Deception: A distressing trend that emerges in cases of abandonment and abuse is the involvement of the husband's family. They often perpetuate the lies spread by the spouse, reinforcing false narratives about the affected person's condition and contributing to their abandonment and mistreatment. These collective falsehoods not only deepen the emotional trauma experienced by the women but also perpetuate the stigma surrounding HD, further isolating and marginalizing them within their own families and communities.

Financial Exploitation: Abandonment and abuse are just the beginning of the ordeal faced by women with HD. Many find themselves in dire financial situations due to being left without support or resources, and sadly, the involvement of the husband's family exacerbates this issue. In some cases, the family members may collude with the spouse to manipulate and exploit the woman financially, leaving her destitute and without the means to access necessary care and support.

Breaking the Cycle: Support and Advocacy: Addressing the issues faced by women with HD, including abandonment, abuse, and family neglect, requires a comprehensive approach involving support, education, and advocacy.

  1. Raising Awareness: It is crucial to raise public awareness about HD and its impact on individuals, particularly women. By dispelling misconceptions and reducing stigma, we can foster an environment of empathy and understanding, encouraging family members to support their loved ones rather than perpetuating abuse and neglect.

  2. Legal Protection: Governments and legal systems must enforce measures that protect the rights and well-being of individuals with HD, including safeguards against financial exploitation and abuse. Legislation should be in place to ensure fair division of assets and provide adequate financial support for those affected.

  3. Support Networks: Establishing and strengthening support networks for women with HD, including access to counseling services, support groups, and resources, is crucial. Collaboration with medical professionals, social workers, and community organizations can contribute to robust support systems that address both the physical and emotional needs of these women.

  4. Education and Empowerment: Comprehensive education programs should be implemented to equip women with HD and their families with knowledge about the disease, available resources, and strategies for managing the condition. Empowering women with HD to advocate for themselves and their needs is crucial, as is educating family members about their responsibilities to provide care and support.

Conclusion: The abandonment, abuse, and family neglect faced by women diagnosed with Huntington's Disease are deeply distressing issues that demand immediate attention. By shedding light on this often-neglected aspect of HD, we can work towards creating a society that supports and protects these individuals. Through awareness, advocacy, and the establishment of robust support systems, we can help women with HD regain control over their lives, ensuring they are not left to face this devastating disease alone.
